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CWGC - Records of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission
1 - Historic Archive
2 - Governance and Corporate Planning
4 - Finance
5 - Legal Records
6 - Staff and HR
7 - Operations
8 - Casualty and Commemoration Records
1 - Casualty Archive
4 - Efiles
1 - First World War Efiles
1 - AA Efiles
2 - CCM Efiles
3 - CDEW Efiles
4 - HLG Efiles
5 - PH Efiles
6 - SL Efiles
10 - Cemetery Documents
2 - Records and Commemoration Department records
3 - Cemetery and Memorial Registers
4 - Indices and Ledgers
5 - Rolls of Honour
6 - Records relating to individual or groups of casualties submitted by external sources.
7 - Grave markers
8 - Other records relating to the records and commemorative function of the Commission but which have been produced by external organisations.
9 - Photographic Library
10 - Publicity, communications and media
12 - Oral Histories
LIB - Commission Library
Showcase items
Explore some of our main archive collections below
Historic Archive Part 1 - Work of the Commission in Connection with First World War Deaths
Historic Archive Part 2 - Work of the Commission in Connection with Second World War Deaths
Cemetery Files
First World War Enquiry Files
Explore Showcase