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CWGC - Records of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission
1 - Historic Archive
1 - Part 1 - Work of the Commission in Connection with First World War Deaths
1 - The Prehistory of the Commission
2 - The Origins of the Commission and Relations with Participating Governments
3 - Headquarters Administration, Organisation and Labour Relations
4 - Finances of the Commission
5 - Treatment of Graves and Cemeteries: Policy and General Considerations
6 - Relations with Foreign Governments
7 - Care of Graves and Cemeteries of British and Empire War Casualties
8 - Care of Non-British Empire Graves by the Commission
9 - Memorials Erected By The Commission
10 - Memorials Erected by Other Groups or Individuals
11 - Pre-War Cemeteries And Graves In The Care Of The Commission
12 - Commissioners, Artists and Advisers
13 - Members Of The Commission Staff And Appointment Of Auditors.
1 - Re Appointment Of Sir F. Kenyon And A Vice Chairman
2 - Appointment Of Secretary And Principal Assistant Secretary
3 - Gratuities
4 - Resignations Men M-Z
5 - Statements Of Service
6 - R. Armstrong
7 - Armstrong R
8 - Armstrong R
9 - Armstrong R (MB 624/CON)
10 - Capt. A. Berrington
11 - Binnie W.B.
12 - Major W.B. Binnie
13 - Col. Lord Arthur Browne
14 - Lt-Col. T.B. Browne
15 - Lt. Col. H.F. Chettle
16 - Chettle H.F
17 - Major H.F. Chettle
18 - Dowse Brenan F.E.
19 - Correspondence Re late son of Major Dowse Brenan
20 - Durham F.R.
21 - Lt. Col. Sir Herbert Ellissen
22 - Gell E.A.S.
23 - Lt. Col. Gell E.A.S.
24 - Goodland H.T
25 - Haddon C.G.G.
26 - Harris; John - Pupil Gardener
27 - Appointment Of Sir H. Hart
28 - Brig. Gen. Sir Herbert Hart
29 - R. Haworth
30 - Captain R. Haworth
31 - Capt. F. Higginson
32 - Sir Frank Higginson
33 - Sir Frank Higginson
34 - Memorial Service For Sir Frank Higginson
35 - Sir Frank Higginson
36 - Higginson. F. Lt. Col.; Appointment
37 - Capt. F. Higginson; Insurance
38 - Capt. F. Higginson; Travelling Claims
39 - Holton C.H
40 - Major A.L. Ingpen
41 - Major A.L. Ingpen; Insurance
42 - Major A.L. Ingpen
43 - R. Kett
44 - Cart De Lafontaine; Col. H.P
45 - Notebooks Of H. P. Cart De Lafontaine
46 - Lafontaine; Lt. Col. Cart de
47 - Lt. Col. Cart de Lafontaine
48 - B.M. Leech
49 - Capt. Marais J.G.
50 - McLean; C. - Gardener 1922-28
51 - Count G. Memmo
52 - Count G. Memmo
53 - Merrigan J.
54 - Lt. Col. A.A. Messer
55 - Michie J.B.
56 - Murphy R.W.
57 - Lt. Col. L.M. Newell
58 - Capt. F.J.J. Ney
59 - Osborne, Col. H.
60 - Lt. Col. C.P. Oswald
61 - Capt. Parker J.S.
62 - Parker J.S. - Insurance
63 - Memorial to Captain J.S. Parker
64 - Phillips C.K.
65 - Phillips, Major G.L.
66 - Robinson H.F.
67 - Lt. Col. H.F. Robinson
68 - Lt. Col. Robinson H.F.
69 - Lunch to Colonel Robinson
70 - Mr H. De Savigny-Bower
71 - Mr F.C. Sillar
72 - Shonfield L.E.
73 - F.C. Sillar
74 - Stopford J.R.N.
75 - Mr J.E. Talbot
76 - Appointment Of Permanent Vice-Chairman
77 - Maj. Gen. Sir Fabian Ware
78 - General Sir Fabian Ware
79 - Major General Sir Fabian Ware - Superannuation Scheme
80 - Sir Fabian Ware
81 - Death Of Maj. Gen. Sir Fabian Ware
82 - Tablet to F. Ware In The Chapel Of Saint George (And In Gloucester Cathedral)
83 - Photograph Of Major General Sir Fabian Ware
84 - Entry For Sir Fabian Ware In Book Of Remembrance At The King's Chapel Of The Savoy
85 - Biographical Note On Sir Fabian Ware
86 - Armistice Day Broadcasts
87 - Remembrance Service - BBC Radio
88 - Fabian Ware
89 - Major General Sir Fabian Ware
90 - Fabian Ware - Commemoration Of
91 - Sir Fabian Ware - Memorial Service And Funeral Service
92 - Notice Sent Round The Offices At Wooburn
93 - Fabian Ware - Memorabilia
94 - Sir Fabian Ware: 'Times' Cuttings On Death
95 - Headstone For Major General Sir Fabian Ware
96 - The Church And The Age
97 - Sermons And Addresses Setting Forth The Teachings And Spirit Of Judaism
98 - Fifty Years After: Sermons And Addresses Setting Forth The Teachings And Spirit Of Judaism
99 - Auditors To The IWGC
100 - Arnott W.P.L.
101 - Mr A.I. Allan
102 - Allan, A.I.
103 - Bicknell, W.G.
104 - Chapman, S.E.
105 - Hinbest, C.P.H.
106 - Ivory, W.
107 - Ivory, W.
108 - Jones, S.G.
109 - Kinnell, A
110 - Kirkwood, A.L.
111 - Layland, A.G.
112 - Layland, A.L.
113 - Martin, F.
114 - Philpott, E.
115 - Posford, C.
116 - Pymm, J.G.E.
117 - Stonham, L.H.
118 - Thomson, W.
119 - Wells, A.G.
120 - Wilson, A.A.
14 - Offices and Facilities used by the Commission
15 - Relations With Miscellaneous Groups And Individuals
16 - Ceremonies, Pilgrimages And Visits To Cemeteries
17 - Commission Publications and Proposed Histories
18 - Private Papers Unrelated to the Commission's Work
2 - Part 2 - Work of the Commission in Connection with Second World War Deaths
2 - Governance and Corporate Planning
4 - Finance
5 - Legal Records
6 - Staff and HR
7 - Operations
8 - Casualty and Commemoration Records
9 - Photographic Library
10 - Publicity, communications and media
12 - Oral Histories
LIB - Commission Library
Showcase items
Explore some of our main archive collections below
Commission Meeting Minutes
Photographic Collection
Architectural plans and drawings
First World War Enquiry Files
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