Content Note | Includes: Letter from the Chief Administrative Officer, IWGC Eastern District, to the Secretary, IWGC Chief Records Officer, regarding an enquiry from the brother of the casualty stating that Serjeant Brown was awarded a DCM, dated 30 April 1954; letter from the War Office Records Centre to the IWGC confirming that Serjeant Brown was awarded the DCM, the 1914-1915 Star, British War Medal, and Victory Medal, as recorded in the London Gazette on 18 February 1918, 20 May 1954; copy letter from the Chief Administrative Officer to the Secretary (Director of Works), IWGC Middle Eastern District, reporting that “DCM” was inscribed on Serjeant Brown’s headstone by the Italian craftsmen of the Benedictine Fathers of Lindi, dated 9 September 1954. |