Content Note | Includes: Handwritten letter from Mrs. A.E. Wicks, daughter of the casualty, to the IWGC Director of Works requesting permission to remove and replace the Commission headstone with a private memorial dedicated to Private Jenkinson and his widow, who had recently been interred in the same grave, dated 24 July 1947; letter from F. Tyrrell, IWGC Secretary, to Mrs. A.E. Wicks permitting the erection of a private memorial on Private Jenkinson’s grave, provided the Commission’s headstone was destroyed, and enquiring whether Mrs. Wicks wished to assume responsibility for the grave’s future maintenance, dated 9 September 1947; handwritten letter from Mrs. A.E. Wicks to the IWGC Secretary regarding the removal and destruction of the Commission headstone marking Private Jenkinson’s grave, and informing the Commission that she would be responsible for the future upkeep of the grave, dated 21 September 1947. |