
Unique IDCWGC/8/1/4/1/1/93
File NumberAA37141

CWGC_8_1_4_1_1_93 (AA37141).pdf

DescriptionFile of correspondence concerning the grave of Major the Earl of Suffolk, having been originally located in Istabulat Station, Mesopotamia, until the remains were reinterred in Basra War Cemetery. Main topics include correspondence regarding the burial of Major the Earl of Suffolk in Makina Masus (New Extension) Cemetery (Basra War Cemetery) having been transferred from North Mesopotamia in preparation to being taken to England. Correspondence regarding a sum of money given by Lady Suffolk to a Church of England chaplain for the upkeep of Major the Earl of Suffolk’s grave in Makina Masus Cemetery. Correspondence and reports regarding the original burial at Istabulat Station and the interment of Major the Earl of Suffolk into Basra War Cemetery. Correspondence regarding the inscription chosen by Lady Suffolk to be inscribed on Lord Suffolk’s headstone. Correspondence regarding enquiries about Lord Suffolk’s grave and the Commission’s work in Basra War Cemetery (formerly Makina Masus Military Cemetery). Correspondence with Lady Suffolk’s secretary Lieutenant Colonel E.S. Gillett in connection with controversy over the alleged desecration of the grave as publicised in the press. Correspondence regarding the return of funds provided by Lady Suffolk for the upkeep of Lord Suffolk’s grave which was being kept by the Commission at public expense. Copies and extracts of articles from “Truth” newspaper published between July and August 1924 criticising the Commission and its work in Mesopotamia (Iraq) particularly with regards to Lord Suffolk’s grave in Makina Massus Cemetery.
Content NoteIncludes: Two black and white photographic prints showing Major the Earl of Suffolk’s mound in Makina Masus New British Cemetery with the layout of graves and area made up for further burials indicated in red pen, c. 1920; Graves Registration Unit card used to contain photograph of the grave; Internal note explaining Major the Earl of Suffolk was originally buried 4¾ m south-east of Istabulat Station, Iraq, before being exhumed from the mound in the centre of Makina Masus New Extension (i.e. Basra War Cemetery) and reburied in Block 3, Row R, No. 9, 4th January 1924; Internal report by Colonel F.R. Durham to Principal Assistant Secretary in connection with an enquiry received from a reporter at the Daily Mail about Lord Suffolk’s grave, 11 June 1924; Newspaper clipping from the Daily Mail regarding the Commission’s work in Mesopotamia, 12 June 1924; Copy transcript of a parliamentary question and answer between Mr Macfadyen and Mr Walsh regarding the treatment of war graves in Iraq, 31 July 1924; Memorandum regarding the background history and the Commission’s work in connection with Makin Masus Military Cemetery (Basra War Cemetery) and Lord Suffolk’s grave in the cemetery, 12 August 1924; Copy extract from the Wiltshire Gazette quoting from “Truth” about the “wanton and wicked violation” of Lord Suffolk’s grave, 7 August 1924. Letter from Lieutenant Colonel E.S. Gillett regarding Lady Suffolk’s horrified reaction to the statement published in an article in “Truth” (6 August 1924) about the alleged desecration of her late husband’s grave, 10 August 1924. Letter from Colonel Gillett thanking Fabian Ware for his reassuring letter and condemning the misinformation circulated by “Truth” newspaper, 17 August 1924. Typescript letter dated 20 August 1924 from C.B.O. Symons of the Office of the Chief Engineer British Forces in Iraq addressed to F. Durham regarding the misinformation surrounding war graves in Iraq in an article published by “Truth”. Copy of article published in “Truth” criticising the Commission and its work in Iraq, 23 July 1924. Newspaper clipping from “Truth” of article titled “Mespot War Graves Scandal” published as a follow-up to the article of 23 July 1924 and giving further criticism of the Commission and the treatment of Lord Suffolk’s grave, 6 August 1924. Newspaper clipping from the Daily News London regarding accusations published in “Truth” of the Commission’s alleged misconduct in connection with war graves in Mesopotamia and supposed desecration of Lord Suffolk’s grave, described as a concrete vault covered with a mound of earth and planted with rose trees from the Earl of Suffolk’s estate in England, 24 July 1924.
Date18/3/1918 - 9/8/1924
Extent1 file
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