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COMMISSION MEETING NO.599 - December 1994
Topics Covered:
Apologies for absence are received from Sir Nigel Mobbs, Professor O'Neill and Professor Shepheard.
The Chairman welcomes The Honourable Dr Neil Blewett, The Honourable Royce Frith QC, Brigadier Rakesh Dhir, and Mrs Doris Boulet.
The Chairman reports the deaths of Mr John Moores, former Gardener Caretaker 1st Class in Northern Europe Area and Mr John Phillips, who had been and Administration Assistant at Head Office.
Minutes of the 598th Meeting of the Commission
The minutes are agreed and signed by the Chairman.
Matters Arising from the 598th Meeting of the Commission
Cemeteries in Iraq
Mr Dalley reports that the Indian Ambassador to Iraq had visited four Commission sites and reported that, although horticulture had been neglected, structural features were generally intact and sound.
Visit by VC and DG to Pakistan and India
The Chairman reports that he had been able to discuss the question of Pakistan resuming membership of the Commission on his recent trip to Pakistan. Mr Kennedy informs the Commission that he would be accompanying the President on a visit to Pakistan, India, and Sri Lanka in March/April 1995 and that if the issue remains unresolved the President might be prepared to raise it in Islamabad.
Appointment of Trustee of the IWGC Endowment Fund
The Chairman reports that the appointment of Mr Andrew Barker as a trustee has been approved by the President.
Anniversaries of VE and VJ Day
The Viscount Ridley conveys the suggestion by The Prince of Wales that the Commission should organise ceremonies commemorating the anniversies of VE and VJ Day, as this would result in favourable publicity for the Commission.
Mr Gee reports that the new Commission film would be completed and launched in Spring with publicity for the Commission very much in mind.
The Chairman reports that, with the exception of the 75th Anniversary, it did not normally organise such ceremonies and that funds were provided only for its Charter tasks.The Chairman summarises by stating that the focus of the Commission's attention should be on events marking VJ Day.
Progress of Operations and Forcast of Outturn 1994-95
Mr Dalley summarises recent developments and highlights some of the major and interesting projects.
Corporate Plan 1995-2000
Mr Dalley highlights the recent trend of a greater amount of work being undertaken by fewer staff through the increased use of machinery.
Mr Parker explains that the impending move away from using the Civil Service as a marker would give the administration some flexibility to streamline the variety of differing pay structures.
Estimate of Expenditure 1995-96
Mr Noakes explains that the estimates were based on a programme of work which had been carefully scrutinised and adjusted by technical, finance and personnel departments.
Mr Stewart explains that the British government had been impressed by the efforts made to manage within the original authority for the current year and that this had created an atmosphere of confidence which had helped in the negiations for the 1995-96.
The Chairman states that he hopes that the Commission approve the estimate of net expenditure while accepting that each government would then have to address the issue of funding.
The Commission took note of net expenditure for the financial year 1995-96, took note of the willingness of four member governments to provide funding, and took note of the proposed methods of forward purchase of foreign currency.
Commission Memorials: Reference to the Religious Beliefs of Those Commemorated
Mr Gee states that the Secretary of State for Defence wished to indicate that the subject of the paper had been considered at the highest level. Mr Gee advised that the question of a symbol to represent non-Christians had been considered as early as 1971.
The Commission re-affirms its existing policy of not referring to the faiths of those commemorated on its memorial.
Alternative Commemorations
The Commission approved the alternative commemoration of three war burials.
Chunkai War Cemetery and Kanchanaburi War Cemetery
The Chairman reports that the President had visited these cemeteries as well as Sai Wan War Cemetery and Stanley Military Cemetery.
50th Anniversary of the Battle of Arnhem
The Chairman thanks Lord Ridley for his attendance at the 50th Anniversary ceremony at Arnhem (Oosterbeek) War Cemetery.
Gibraltar (North Front) Cemetery
Mrs Golding reports on the poor state of the cemetery after her vist there in September.
Harare (Pioneer) Cemetery and Harare Park Memorial
The Chairman thanks Sir Harold Walker for his visit in November.
Remembrancetide Ceremonies
The Chairman thanks Dame Janet Fookes, Sir John Akehurst and Sir Harold Walker for their respective representation at the ceremonies at Plymouth Naval Memorial, Portsmouth Naval Memorial, and Tower Hill Memorial.
Employment of Staff from Member Countries
Mr Kennedy introduces the paper. Mr Frith states that Canada was still interested in the prospect of Canadians being seconded into the Commission's service but the financial implication would need careful consideration.
Dame Janet Fookes states that inevitable consequence of increased cost would certainly be unwelcome in the current financial climate and this did not, therefore, seem to be the most appropriate time to embark on such a venture.
Mr Kennedy points out that the present paper was a genuine attempt to meet the more radical views expressed at the last meeting.
The Chairman summarises by saying that member governments should attempt to identify possibilities for exchanges or secondments in their repective countries and bring these to the attention of the Director-General
Any Other Business
South African High Commissioner
Mr Short informs the Commission that the new South African High Commissioner was expected to take up post on 15 January 1995.
Air Chief Marshal Sir Joseph Gilbert K.C.B., C.B.E. (Vice-Chairman in the chair)
His Excellency The Hon Dr Neal Blewett (High Commissioner for Australia)
His Excellency Mr Royce Frith QC (High Commissioner for Australie)
Dame Janet Fookes DBE MP
The Viscount Ridley K.G., T.D.
Mrs Llin Golding MP
Sir Harold Walker K.C.M.G.
General Sir John Akehurst K.C.M.G.
Admiral Sir John Kerr G.C.B.
Mr Moray Stewart CB (Representing the Secretary of State for Defence in the United Kingdom)
Miss Dinah Nichols (Representing the Secretary of State for the Environment in the United Kingdom)
Bgigadier Rakesh Dhir (Representing the High Commissioner for India)
Commadore John Peddie (Representing the High Commissioner for New Zealand)
Mr Henry Short (Representing the High Commissioner of the Republic of South Africa)
Professor Ghillean Prance MA DPhil FRS FLS (Honorary Botanical Advisor)
Mr David Kennedy (Director-General)
Also in attendance:
Mr Terrence Penfold (Assistant Secretary, Deputy Director-General (Administration)
Mr Roger Dalley (Assistant Secretary, Deputy Director-General (Operations)
Mr Graham Reddie (Legal Adviser and Solicitor)
Mr David Parker (Director of Personnel)
Mr Alan Coombe (Director of Works)
Mr Philip Noakes (Director of Finance)
Mr Jeremy Gee (Director of Information and Secretariat)
Mr Derek Parker (Director of Horticulture)
Mr Andrew Owen (Secretariat/External Relations Officer)
Mrs Doris Boulet (Department of Vetrens Affairs, Canada)
14/12/1994 - 14/12/1994
1 file
Meeting Notes
Please note that the downloadable document is the final version of the Committee Meeting minutes. Additional information, including the verbatim minutes and subsidiary reports, may be available in the physical file.
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