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COMMISSION MEETING NO.598 - September 1994
Topics covered:
Apologies for abscence from Dame Janet Fookes, Mrs Llin Golding, Professor Prance and Professor O'Neill
The Chairman welcomes Commadore Sanjiv Kapoor, Mr John Ledlie, Mr Michael Chilton, and Mr Andrew Owen. He also welcomed senior officers from the Commission's Areas and Agencies, and the auditors Mr Philip Blunden and Mr David Webb.
Minutes of the 597th Meeting of the Commission
The minutes are accepted.
Matters Arising from the Minutes of the 597th Meeting of the Commission
Mr Dalley reports that a helpful letter had been received from the Indian Ambassador to Iraq who had submitted a note to the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs describing the Commission's concerns.
Accounts of the Commission 1993-94
Mr Noakes highlights the fact that there had been a significant variation in exchange rates between the years 1992-93 and 1993-94 and draws attention to funding provided by the Canadian government for special projects.
Mr Blunden says Coopers & Lybrand had recived the full cooperation of the Commission's staff with regards to the audit.
Progress of Operations and Forecast of Outturn 1994-95
Mr Dalley states that although the impact of the reduction in funding had been partically met through cutbacks in staff expenditure, there were new calls on funds.Mr Kennedy asks the Commission to consider whether supplementary funding should now be sought. Mr Short discusses the unexpected projects and the impact on funding.
The Chairman agrees that the matter should be further discussed at the Finance Committee meeting in October.
Pakistan's Membership of the Commission
Mr Kennedy reports that he and the Vice-Chairman had called on the High Commissioner for Pakistan to discuss the matter of Pakistan rejoining the Commission. Mr Kennedy says that he and the Vice-Chairman were making plans to visit Pakistan to discuss this issue.
Employment of Staff from Member Countries
Mr Kennedy states that the administration had tried to address the problems arising from the last meeting, but concludes that it would be difficult to accomodate staff from member countries on short term contracts.
Mr Goss acknowledges the difficulties but states that his government believed that a start should be made somewhere. Mr Ledlie says the move towards contracts was desirable and in line with best public service practice, and that a career for life was no longer the norm.
Imperial War Graves Endowment Fund - Appointment of Trustee
The Chairman thanks Mr Henry Lambert for his work as Chairman of the Trustees since 1989, and strongly recommends the appointment of Mr Andrew Barker as a Trustee as a successor.
Commonwealth War Graves Commission Superannuation Scheme - Annual Report 1993-94
The Commission takes note of the amended version of the report.
Burials and Commemorations
The Commission approves the alternative commemoration of one war burial.
St Sever Cemetery and Extension, Rouen, and Ranville War Cemetery
Admiral Sr John Kerr discusses his visit to St Sever Cemetery and Extension, Rouen, and Ranville War Cemetery.
Asmara War and Civil Cemetery and Keren War Cemetery
The Chairman expresses his thanks to Sir Harold Walker for his letter concerning a visit to Asmara War and Civil Cemetery and Keren War Cemetery.
80th Anniversary of Gallipoli
Mr Goss reminds the Commission that 1995 marked the 80th anniversary of Gallipoli.Discussion on the recent fires affecting the six cemeteries
Australia Remembers 1945-1995
Mr Goss informs members that a press release had been issued announcing the start of a year's programme of Commemoration, commencing 14 October 1994, entitled 'Australia Remembers 1994-1995'
Air Chief Marshal Sir Joseph Gilbert K.C.B., C.B.E. (Vice-Chairman in the Chair)
Sir Nigel Mobbs DL
The Viscount Ridley K.G., T.D.
Sir Harold Walker K.C.M.G.
General Sir John Akehurst K.C.M.G.
Admiral Sir John Kerr G.C.B.
Mr J Ledlie CB OBE. (Representing the Secretary of State for Defence in the United Kingdom)
Miss D.A. Nichols (Representing the Secretary of State for the Environment in the United Kingdom)
Mr D. Goss (Representing the High Commissioner for Australia)
Brigadier-General D M Dean CD (Representing the High Commissioner for Canada)
Commodore Sanjiv Kapoor (Representing the High Commissioner for India)
Mr M Chilton (Representing the High Commissioner for New Zealand)
Mr H W Short (Representing the High Commissioner of the Republic of South Africa)
Professor Sir Peter Shepheard C.B.E. BArch PPRIBA MRTPI PPILA (Honorary Artistic Advisor)
Mr D. Kennedy (Director-General)
Also in attendance:
Mr P. S. Blunden FCA (Representing Coopers & Lybrand)
Mr D. I. Webb ACA (Representing Coopers & Lybrand)
Mr T.F. Penfold (Assistant Secretary, Deputy Director-General (Administration)
Mr R.J. Dalley (Assistant Secretary, Deputy Director-General (Operations)
Mr G.C. Reddie (Legal Adviser and Solicitor)
Mr M.S. Johnson (Director of France Area)
Mr D.R. Parker (Director of Personnel)
Mr A. Coombe (Director of Works)
Mr P. Noakes (Director of Finance)
Mr R. D. Wilson (Director, Northern Europe Area)
Mr J.P.D. Gee (Director of Information and Secretariat)
Mr D.C. Parker (Director of Horticulture)
Mr T. V. Reeves (Director, Outer Area)
Mr D. F. Wheeldon CD (Secretary-General Canadian Agency)
Mr I. Sylvester (Director, Western Mediterranean Area)
Brigadier M. Anderson (Secretary, South African Agency)
Air Vice-Marshal A. Heggen AO (Director, Office of Australian War Graves)
Mr D. M. Stevens (Manager, National Monuments and War Graves, New Zealand)
Mr A Owen (Secretariat/External Relations Officer)
14/9/1994 - 14/9/1994
1 file
Meeting Notes
Please note that the downloadable document is the final version of the Committee Meeting minutes. Additional information, including the verbatim minutes and subsidiary reports, may be available in the physical file.
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