
Unique IDCWGC/2/2/1/597
TitleCOMMISSION MEETING NO.597 - June 1994


DescriptionTopics covered:

Gratitude to the French Authorities
The Chairman opens the meeting by saying that he wieshes to take the oppertunity to place on record the continuing gratitude for the assistance the French authorities have given to the Commission in its work in France.

Apologies for absence from The Hon Dr Neal Blewett, Sir Nigel Mobbs and Professor Prance.

The Chairman welcomes Admiral Sir John Kerr, His Excellency Mr Kent Durr, High Commissioner of the Republic of South Africa, Brigadier Raj Kadyan, rpresenting the Indian High Commissioner in London, Mr Philip Noakes and Mr Mike Johnson

The Chairman congratulates th Viscount Ridley on his recent appointment as Knight Grand Cross of the Victorian Order and the former New Zealand High Commissioner, The Hon. George Gair, for his appointment as a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George.

The Chairman reports the death of Mr Peter Cosgrove on 31 March.

Minutes of the 596th Meeting of the Commission
The minutes were agreed.

Employment of Non-British Nationals within the Commission
The Chairman asks if government officials were in a position to express the views of their governments on the proposal to employ more staff drawn from non British member government countries within the Commission. Mr Kennedy states that on 12 January he had written to all members to outline this proposal. He states the recent aim has been to recruit from other member government countries, into junior and middle managerial positions, staff who would then have the same promotion prospects as existing staff.

Mr Stewart states that many organisations, including the United Kingdom Civil Service, were facing increasing pressure to advertise vacancies more widely. Mr McMahon states that the Australian government was particularily keen to have the most senior executive positions within the Commission made available to representatives of the other member governments.

Dame Janet Fookes suggests that a paper on the proposal, particularly the financial implications, should be prepared for further discussion by members.

Progress of Operations and Forcast of Outturn 1993-94
Mr Kennedy states that there might be further adjustments as the 1993-94 financial year's accounts were still subject to audit.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission Superannuation Scheme: Valuation of the Fund as at 31 March 1993 and Contribution Rate
Mr Parker states that the actuary had carried out a valuation of the Superannuation Scheme as at 31 March1993 and a copy of his report was attached to the paper.

The Commission agreed that the Commission's rate of contribution to the fund should be increased from 19.5% to 20.5% from 1 July 1994 and authorised that the Trustees to make such alterations to the Rules of the Scheme as were necessary to bring the change into effect

Burials and Commemorations
The Commission approved the alternative commemoration of one war burial.

The Chairman drew members' attention to the Royal visits mentioned in paragraphs 1-3 of the paper. Mrs Golding commented on the excellent standard of the Commission's display at the Chelsea Flower Show.

Other Business
Hong Kong
Mr Reddie states that for some time local legislation, the Public Health and Urban Services Ordinance, had inappropriately vested control of the Commonwealth war cemeteries in the government in Hong Kong. He is pleased to report that lengthy negotiations had recently secured a change in the legislation so that full control and management were now properly vested in the Commission.

Mr Dalley states that he was particulary grateful to Mr McMahon and his colleagues at the Australian High Commission in London and the Embassy in Amman for passing on information from the Commission's Honorary Supervisor in Bagdad.

Gibraltar (North Front) Cemetery
Mr Dalley states that problems had continued regarding the contract for the maintenance of Gibraltar (North Front) Cemetery

September 1994 Meeting of the Commission
The Chairman states that once every two to three years a Senior Officers Conference is held at Head Office. The next conference will take place on Tuesday 13 September.

Letter to the Viscount Cranbourne
The Chairman explains that he had written to the Viscount Cranbourne following a letter published in The Times on 1 June regarding the level of funding to the Commission in the current financial year.

Air Chief Marshal Sir Joseph Gilbert K.C.B., C.B.E. (Vice-Chairman in the Chair)
His Excellency Mr K Durr (High Commissioner of the Republic of Sought Africa)
His Excellency Mr F S Eaton O.C. (High Commissioner for Canada)
His Excellency Mr J Collinge (High Commissioner for New Zealand)
Dame Janet Fookes D.B.E., M.P.
The Viscount Ridley K.G., T.D.
Professor R.J. O’Neill A.O.
Mrs L. Golding M.P.
Sir Harold Walker K.C.M.G.
General Sir John Akehurst K.C.M.G.
Admiral Sir John Kerr G.C.B.
Mr J.M. Stewart C.B. (Representing the Secretary of State for Defence in the United Kingdom)
Miss D.A. Nichols (Representing the Secretary of State for the Environment in the United Kingdom)
Brigadier R. S .Kadyan VS..M. (Representing the High Commissioner for India)
Professor Sir Peter Shepheard C.B.E. BArch PPRIBA MRTPI PPILA (Honorary Artistic Advisor)
Mr D. Kennedy (Director-General)

Also in attendance:
Mr K.J. McMahon (First Secretary, Australian High Commission)
Mr T.F. Penfold (Assistant Secretary, Deputy Director-General (Administration)
Mr R.J. Dalley (Assistant Secretary, Deputy Director-General (Operations)
Mr G.C. Reddie (Legal Adviser and Solicitor)
Mr M.S. Johnson (Director of France Area)
Mr D.R. Parker (Director of Personnel)
Mr A. Coombe (Director of Works)
Mr P. Noakes (Director of Finance)
Mr J.P.D. Gee (Director of Information and Secretariat)
Mr D.C. Parker (Director of Horticulture)
Miss E. Kennedy (Secretariat/External Relations Officer)
Date15/6/1994 - 15/6/1994
Extent1 file
CategoryMeeting Notes
ArchNotePlease note that the downloadable document is the final version of the Committee Meeting minutes. Additional information, including the verbatim minutes and subsidiary reports, may be available in the physical file.
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