Content Note | Topics covered:
Mentions the Chairman explained that parts of the meeting would be filmed for use in the Commission’s new film.
Apologies Apologies for absence received from Professor Sir Peter Shepheard and Professor Prance.
Welcome Mentions the Chairman welcomed Commodore John Peddie and Admiral Sir John Kerr.
Honours And Awards Announcement that Mr Ibrahim Jaradah, Head Gardener, Gaza, had been appointed an Honorary Member of the Order of the British Empire. A presentation by the British Consul-General, Jerusalem would take place on the following day.
Appointments Report that Vice-Admiral Loedolff had become a member of the South African Agency, on the retirement of Lieutenant-General Wolmarans
Death Report of the death of Admiral Sir Frank Twiss, a member of the Commission from 1970-1979
Minutes Of The 595th Meeting Of The Commission Circulation, signing and agreement of the minutes of the previous meeting, with proposal from the Chairman that future minutes would no longer be regarded as draft but official.
Matters Arising From The Minutes Of The 595th Meeting Of The Commission a) Call on the Secretary of State for Defence b) Call on the High Commissioner of Pakistan in London
Progress Of Operations And Forecast Of Outturn 1993-1994 Mentions poor weather and other factors preventing completion of work contributed towards a reduction in expected expenditure. Reference to changes since last meeting affecting estimated expenditure on pay and associated costs. Also refers to sharp fall in UK interest rates.
Burials And Commemorations Refers to the alternative commemoration of one war grave as summarised in a paper circulated to members.
Annual Report On Exhumations And Reinterments 1993 Mention that the Commission took note of the report.
Diary Refers to the visit by HRH The Duke Of Kent to Vaerlose Churchyard, Denmark, the visits by HM The Queen to Georgetown (Rabbit Walk) Cemetery and Nassau War Cemetery, the Bahamas, and the visits by The Princess Royal to Asmara War Cemetery and Dire Dawa African Cemetery. Comment from General Sir John Akerhurst about war graves in Phoenix Cemetery, Mauritius.
Other Business Update on discussions on the Ministry of Defence review team’s recommendations and agreements reached at the meeting in June 1993. Comments around increasing the level of recruitment of non-British staff. Also refers to photographs on display showing rehabilitation work in the Lebanon, including updates on Beirut British War Cemetery and Sidon War Cemetery. Update on challenges of access to Iraq since the outbreak of the Gulf War, with reference to discussions with Polish and Iraqi authorities and reports on Habbaniya War Cemetery and Khanaqin War Cemetery. Arrangements for the date, location and transport for the Commission’s meeting in June 1994.
D-Day Events Summary from Mr Gee on commemorative events for the 50th anniversary of the D-Day landings, including: a ceremony at Portsmouth Naval Memorial on 5 June in the presence of the Queen and President Bill Clinton; five major ceremonies at Bayeux War Cemetery, Hermanville War Cemetery, Ranville War Cemetery, Le Deliverande War Cemetery, and Ryes War Cemetery, with various members of the Royal family in attendance at each ceremony. Mentions a temporary office would be established at Bayeux War Cemetery to answer queries from the public and the media. Refers to Canadian ceremonies at Runnymede and Brookwood.
Admiral Sir Nicholas Hunt Mention that this was the last meeting attended by Admiral Sir Nicholas Hunt, with a summary of his involvement with the Commission since his appointment in April 1989.
Brigadier Malik Mention that this was the last meeting attended by Brigadier Malik, who had attended Commission meetings since 1991.
Attendees: Air Chief Marshal Sir Joseph Gilbert K.C.B., C.B.E. (Vice-Chairman in the Chair) Dame Janet Fookes D.B.E., M.P. Sir Nigel Mobbs D.L. Admiral Sir Nicholas Hunt G.C.B., L.V.O. The Viscount Ridley K.G., T.D. Professor R.J. O’Neill A.O. Mrs L. Golding M.P. Sir Harold Walker K.C.M.G. General Sir John Akehurst K.C.M.G. Mr J.M. Stewart C.B. (Representing the Secretary of State for Defence in the United Kingdom) Mr K.J. McMahon (Representing the High Commissioner for Australia) Miss D.A. Nichols (Representing the Secretary of State for the Environment in the United Kingdom) Brigadier General D.M. Dean C.D. (Representing the High Commissioner for Canada) Brigadier B.S. Malik A.V.S.M. (Representing the High Commissioner for India) Commodore J. Peddie R.N.Z.N. (Representing the High Commissioner for New Zealand) Mr B. Knoefel (Representing the Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa) Mr D. Kennedy (Director-General)
Also in attendance: Admiral Sir John Kerr G.C.B., A.D.C. Mr T.F. Penfold (Assistant Secretary, Deputy Director-General (Administration) Mr R.J. Dalley (Assistant Secretary, Deputy Director-General (Operations) Mr G.C. Reddie (Legal Adviser and Solicitor) Mr D.R. Parker (Director of Personnel) Mr A. Coombe (Director of Works) Mr T.V. Reeves (Director of Finance) Miss E. Kennedy (Secretariat/External Relations Officer)