
Unique IDCWGC/2/2/1/587
TitleCOMMISSION MEETING NO.587 - December 1991


DescriptionMinutes of 587th Meeting of the Commission.
Content NoteTopics covered:

Apologies for absence were reported from Dame Janet Fookes

Welcome to Mr Rooks, Brigadier-General Dean, and Mr Reeves

The Chairman reported that Captain D F Wheeldon has been appointed Secretary-General of the Canadian Agency to succeed Lieutenant Colonel S M Newell CD

Her Magesty the Queen has appointed Signora Laura Meo, Executive Officer (Administration) Western Mediterranean Area an Honorary Member of the Order of the British Empire

The Chairman reports the death of Major-General Desmond Smith and Madame R Marie

Minutes of the 586th Meeting of the Commission and Matters Arising From The Minutes
Circulation of minutes

The Chairman reports that the Finance Committee met to consider the proposals for events to mark the 75th anniversary of the Commission. It is decided that the Service of Thanksgiving will be held at St George's Chapel, Windsor, with a luncheon also held in Windsor. The Chairman states that he has recently met with the Dean of Windsor.

Corporate Plan 1992-95
The Secretary states that the core of the corporate plan did not change markedly from year to year. The Commission discusses the contents of the corporate plan, and adpoted this as a draft.

Estimate of Expenditure 1992-93
Mr Kennedy discusses next year's expenditure. The Commion approved the estimate of net expenditure for the financial year 1992-93, and accepted that in order to fund this expenditure member governemnts should be asked to contribute £24,369,624.

Forecast of Outturn 1991-92
The Commission takes note.

Woodgrange Park Cemetery
Mr Reddie states that he is still waiting to hear back the outcome of the Parliamentary Committee.

Commonwealth-Foreign Joint Committees: Appointment of Members
The Commission approved two appointments and took note of three others.

Burials and Commemorations
The Commission approved the alternative commemoration of eight war burials.

Appointment of Proper Officers
The Commission approved the appointments of Terence Frank Penfold and Mr Roger John Dalley as Proper Officers of the Commission

Execution of Documents
The Commission took note of the execution of documents on its behalf

Tours by Commissioners and Head Office Senior Officials
Mr Concannon speaks of his recent visit to the Federal Repubic of Germany, where he encoundered much enthusiasm for the Commission's work. Sir Derek Day speaks of his visit to Egypt, and mentions the good order of the cemetaries as well as the success of the annual tripartite ceremony marking the anniversary of the Battle of El Alamein. Mr Peter Shepeard speaks of his visit to France and Belgium. The Secretary speaks of his visit to Canada in September and to South Africa, Mauritius, and the Seychelles in November, and how the work of the Commission is appreciated in remote areas.

The Chairman speaks of the President's attendance at the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme.
The Chairman thanks the Commissioners for attending the various Remembrane services in the United Kingdom.

Other business
Remembrance Day Broadcast
The meeting listened to a recording of the Remembrance Day Boradcast.

Intermission - December 1991
The chairman congradulates the editor on the latest edition.

Seasonal Greetings
The Chairman wished all present a happy Christmas and New Year.

General Sir Robert Ford GCB CBE (Vice-Chairman of the Commission)
His Excellency The Hon George F Gair QSO (High Commissioner for New Zealand)
The RT Hon J D Concannon
Sir Derek Day KCMG
Sir Nigel Mobbs DL
Admiral Sir Nicholas Hunt GCB LVO
Air Chief Marshal Sir Joseph Gilbert KCB CBE
The Viscount Ridley AO
Professor R J O'Neill AO
Mr R Rooks (Representing the Secretary of State for Defence in the United Kingdom)
Mr K J McMahon (Representing the High Commissioner for Australia)
Mr R. G. S. Johnson (Representing the Secretary of State for the Environment in the United Kingdom)
Brigadier-General D M Dean CD (Representing the High Commission for Canada)
Brigadier B S Malik AVSM (Representing the High Commissioner for India)
Commodore J G Leonard RNZN (Representing the High Commissioner for New Zealand0
Mr J C Williams (Representing the Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa)

Professor Sir Peter Shepeard CBE BArch PPRIBA MRTPI PPILA, Honorary Artistic Advisor
Professor G T Prance MA DPhil FLS, Honorary Botanical Advisor

Mr J. Saynor JP, Director-General

Mr D Kennedy, Assistant Secretary, Deputy Director-General (Administration)
Mr N B Osborne OBE FRICS, Assistant Secretary, Deputy Director-General (Operations)
Mr G.C. Reddie, Legal Adviser and Solicitor
Mr T.F. Penfold, Director of Personnel
Mr A. Coombe, Director of Works
Mr P Noakes BSc MI Hort, Director of Horticulture
Mr R D Wilson ACMA, Director of Finance
Mr J.P.D. Gee, Director of Information and Secretariat
Mr T V Reeves, Director of Finane (designate)
Miss E Kennedy, Secretariat
Date11/12/1991 - 11/12/1991
Extent1 file
CategoryMeeting Notes
ArchNotePlease note that the downloadable document is the final version of the Committee Meeting minutes. Additional information, including the verbatim minutes and subsidiary reports, may be available in the physical file.
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