
Unique IDCWGC/2/2/1/583
TitleCOMMISSION MEETING NO.583 - December 1990


DescriptionMinutes of the 583rd Meeting of the Commission.
Content NoteTopics covered:

Apologies for absence were reported from Air Chief Marshal, Sir John Gingell and Major-General Desmond Smith

Welcome to Commander Black, representing the New Zealand High Commissioner

Refers to appointment of Air Chief Marshal Sir John Gilbert, in succession to Air Chief Marshal Sir John Gingell.

Minutes of the 582nd Meeting of the Commission and Matters Arising From The Minutes
Circulation of minutes

Heating, cooling and ventilation system at Head Office
Update from Mr Kennedy on the progress of installition of the new air conditioning at Head Office. It has been decided that tenders should be invited from companies specialising in the required work. Five suitable tenderers have been selected.

Corporate Plan 1991-94
The Secretary states that the draft corporate plan has been discussed by the Finance Committee. After the strain of the last decade, there have been substanial improvements in efficiency and reduced costs. There is an increased demand for replacement headstones, particularily in North Africa. He stressed that although the expenditure and funding assessments for 1991-92 were sound, those for the following years did not have provisions for inflation in particular. The Commission adpoted the draft as its corporate plan.

Estimate of Expenditure 1991-92
Mr Kennedy discusses the proposed expenditure for the following year. The estimate for 1991-92 was slightly more than £3 million in excess of the 1990-91 provision, largely due to the new heating, cooling and ventilation system at HO. There is also a £1.7 million increase in staffing costs.

Forecast of Outturn 1990-91
Since the last meeting, a small underspend was now forcasted.

Delegation of Powers to the Director-General
The Secretary discusses changing the wording of the paper so that the DG would be given power to spend on approved purposes both money unexpectedly brought forward from a previous year and any additional receipts from investments. The Commission approved this.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission Superannuation Scheme (1952)- Appointment of a Trustee
Thanks Mr P J Noakes for his service as a trustee, and approves the appointment of Mr Ian Downton Sylvester as a Trustee for three years.

The Rehabilitation of the Runnymede Memorial Grounds
Recent storm damage provided the opportunity to replace the current planting. Discussion about possible tree species to plant instead.

Commonwealth-Foreign Joint Committees: Appointment of Members
The Commission approved three appointments and took note of five others

Burials and Commemorations
Graves not within the Commission's control in the United Kingdom
The Commission approved the classification as 'not within the Commission's control' of the three mentioned graves in the United KIngdom

Unmaintainable graves in South Africa- alternative commemmoration
The Commission approved the alternative commemoration of six war burials.

Execution of Documents
The Commission took note of the execution of documents on its behalf

Tours by Commissioners and Head Office Senior Officials
Sir Peter Shepeard speaks of his visit to France, calling attention to the excellence of the planting. Dame Janet Fookes discusses her visit to Zimbabwe and remarks on the helpfulness and enthusiasm of the staff.

The chairman thanked the Commissioners for attending the various Remembrance Services in the United Kingdom.

Any Other Business
Regimental and Battle Exploit Memorials in War Cemeteries
The Secretary states that the Commission frequently receives requests for permission to erect memorials in cemeteries, and such requests are normally refused. He states that a more stern policy of complete refusal would be best. The Commission agreed.

Woodgrange Park Cemetery, London
Refers to Mr Reddie's discussion on the possible disterbance to approx. 100 war burials if a plan of housing development and crematoriam was approved. Objections would need to be presented as soon as possible.

Mass Grave in Thailand
The Secretary reported that the recent finding of a mass grave was likely to be Asian labourers and not Allied servicemen.

Venue for the June and September Commission Meetings 1991
Due to the disruption of the new heating and cooling system, a new venue for these meetings must be found.

The Hon. Douglas McCelland
The Chairman annouces that this is the last meeting to be attended by Mr McCelland before his return to Australia.

Seasonal Greetings
The Chairman wishes all present a Happy Christmas season

General Sir Robert Ford GCB CBE (Vice-Chairman of the Commission)
His Excellency the Hon Douglas McCelland AC (High Commissioner for Australia)
His Excellency Mr Rae Killen (Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa)
Captain Sir Miles Wingate KCVO
The RT Hon J D Concannon
Dame Janet Fookes DBE MP
Sir Derek Day KCMG
Sir Nigel Mobbs DL
Admiral Sir Nicholas Hunt GCB LVO
Mr R L L Facer (Representing the Secretary of State for Defence in the United Kingdom)
Mr R. G. S. Johnson (Representing the Secretary of State for the Environment in the United Kingdom)
Brigadier-General C. M. Curleigh (Representing the High Commissioner for Canada)
Brigadier H. M. Khanna (Representing the High Commissioner for India)
Commandor K G Black (Representing the High Commissioner for New Zealand)

Professor Sir Peter Shepeard CBE BArch PPRIBA MRTPI PPILA (Honorary Artistic Advisor)
Professor G T Prance MA DPhil FLS (Honary Botanical Advisor)

Mr J. Saynor JP, Director-General

Mr D Kennedy, Assistant Secretary, Deputy Director-General (Administration)
Mr N.B. Osborn OBE FRICS, Assistant Secretary, Deputy Director-General (Operations)
Mr G.C. Reddie, Legal Adviser and Solicitor
Mr T.F. Penfold, Director of Personnel
Mr A. Coombe, Director of Works
Mr P.J. Noakes BSc MIHort, Director of Horticulture
Mr J.P.D. Gee, Director of Information and Secretariat
Mr G. Campbell-Dykes, Higher Executive Officer (Secretariat)
Miss E Kennedy, Secretariat
Date12/12/1990 - 12/12/1990
Extent1 file
CategoryMeeting Notes
ArchNotePlease note that the downloadable document is the final version of the Committee Meeting minutes. Additional information, including the verbatim minutes and subsidiary reports, may be available in the physical file.
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