
Unique IDCWGC/2/2/1/508
File NumberCM 3/1/176
TitleCOMMISSION MEETING NO.508 - March 1972


DescriptionMinutes of the 508th Meeting of the Commission
Content NoteTopics covered:

Election of Sir Robert Black to be Chairman due to the absence of the Vice-Chairman.

Apology for absence from the Vice-Chairman; The Chairman welcomed Major-General Amreek Singh, and Mr P.R. Matthew Esq BA who were both attending a Commission meeting for the first time.

Colonel E A Griffin CMG OBE ED
Announcement that Colonel E.A. Griffin Regional Director of Northern Region at Arras was attending a meeting for the last time before his retirement.

The Honourable Arthur Laing PC MP BSA
Announcement that the Honourable Arthur Laing PC MP BSA had become Minister for Veterans' Affairs and, as such, the Commission's Agency in Canada.

New Year Honours List
Announcement that in the New Year Honours List, Her Majesty the Queen had appointed Mr Hebden, a Higher Executive Officer in the Finance Department at Head Office to be a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.

Matters Arising from the Minutes of the 507th Meeting of the Commission
Including an update on the New Head Office Building in Maidenhead and Overseas Reorganisation.

Adoption of the Report of the 549th Meeting of the Finance Committee, including a discussion of the latest proposals to amend rates of pay for United Kingdom based non-manual and manual staff, and staff in Canada.

Update on Pakistan's Membership of the Commission.
Mentions Secretary had consulted representatives of the participating governments, the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Secretary of State for Defence who all supported the lin proposed in the paper which had been circulated.

Membership of the Finance Committee
Update on Change in the membership of the Finance Committee, with the appointment of the High Commissioner for Canada to be a member of the Finance Committee for the period of three years from 1 April 1972, vice the Ambassador of South Africa.

Commonwealth-Foreign Joint Committees: Appointment of Members
Commonwealth-French Joint Committee:
Monsieur Maurice Paraf (Ministere de l'Interieur)
Commonwealth-German-French Joint Committee:
Monsieur Jacques Le Meignen (Ministere des Anciens Combattants et Victimes de Guerre)
Commonwealth-Italian Joint Committee:
Generale di Corpo d'Armata in Ausiliaria Guido Vedovato
Mr Merwyn Norrish (New Zealand Deputy High Commissioner, London)
Commonwealth-Thai Joint Committee
The Honorable Nai Vate Nijathaworn (Governor of Kanchanaburi Province)

Execution of Documents
Approval and confirmation of the action taken for the execution by the Commission or on its behalf of the documents, Serial Nos Part I 433 to 436 and Part 11 76 to 79, referred to in the Schedule laid before the Meeting and signed for identification by the Commission's Legal Adviser and Solicitor.

Authorisation for Mr John Pover, First Secretary British Mission in Pakistan, to act on behalf of the Commission and to sign the Deed of Lease to be entered into between the President of Pakistan and the Commission relating to the lease to the Commission in perpetuity for the land forming the site of

Rawalpindi War Cemetery, and to sign and do such other documents and things as may be requisite or necessary for purposes of local law and practice in connection with the execution of the said Deed of Lease by the respective parties.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission Superannuation Scheme (1952) - Amendments to the Rules
Update on Amendments to the Rules of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Superannuation Scheme (1952) and authorisation of the Trustees of the Scheme to make modifications, alterations or additions to the Rules of the Scheme to action these amendments.

Unmaintainable Graves, United Kingdom, Whickham (St. Mary) Churchyard, County Durham
Approval of the proposal to commemorate 9 Commonwealth war burials in Whickham (St Mary) Churchyard, County Durham on the new Screen Wall to be built in Gateshead (Saltwell) Cemetery.

Update on Tripoli War Cemetery, Libya and proposed Commonwealth Libyan War Graves Agreement.

Reports from Regions, Areas and Agencies: Quarter Ended 31 December 1971
Refers to numerous Remembrance services held during the month of November at Commission cemeteries and memorials throughout the world, and a note that Captain Eugen Syvertsen of the Norwegian War Graves Service had been presented with the insignia of an Honorary OBE by the British Ambassador at Oslo.

General Notes
Including a note that the Queen had visited the Commission cemeteries in Labuan and Singapore, and that reports on the visits had now been received, and a letter received by the Secretary from Sir Martin Charteris, The Queen's Assistant Private Secretary.

Note to members of the forthcoming reception which was to be given by the Commission for the Commonwealth-Italian Joint Committee, at St James's Palace at 6.30 pm on Tuesday 16 May, at which Their Royal Highnesses the President and the Duchess of Kent would be present.

Other Business
Including an acknowledgement of a legacy bequeathed to the Commission by the late Mrs Wilhelmina Tonia Corke of Ferndown, Dorset, which would be added to the General Fund for the Care and Maintenance of the Graves of the Fallen.

Announcement of the retirement of Mr. H.L. Simmons Esq LL B and Colonel E.A. Griffin CMG OBE ED, and warmest thanks to both for their Service to the Commission; Note that the date of the next Meeting of the Commission would be Thursday 15 June at 11 am.

Sir Robert Black GCMG OBE (In the Chair)
Colonel C.F. Black CD (Representing the High Commissioner for Canada)
Colonel A.D. Watt OBE (Representing the High Commissioner for Australia)
Mr N.V. Farrell (Representing the High Commissioner for New Zealand)
Mr P.A. Grobbelaar (Representing the Ambassador of South Africa)
Major- General Amreek Singh (Representing the High Commissioner for India)
Mr J.W.T. Pritchard (Representing the Minister for Housing and Construction)
Mr Verner Wylie
Miss Joan Woodgate CBE RRC
Sir John Winnifrith KCB
Admiral Sir Frank Twiss KCB DSC
Mr Edward Gardner QC MP
Mr G.D. Wallace MP

Mr W.J. Chalmers CBE (Director-General)

Professor Lord Holford RA FRIBA MTPI DLitt (Honorary Artistic Adviser)
Sir George Taylor DSc FRS FRSE FLS VMH (Honorary Botanical Adviser)

There were also present:
Mr P.H.M. Swan (Assistant Secretary, Director of External Relations & Records)
Mr A.K. Pallot CMG (Assistant Secretary, Director of Finance & Establishments)
Mr W.H. Dukes (Director of Works)
Mr H.L. Simmons LL B (Legal Adviser & Solicitor)
Mr W.F.W. Harding OBE BSc (Hort) FLS (Chief Horticultural Officer)
Mr A.S. Laing MVO (Deputy Establishment Officer)
Mr W.F. Cole MBE (Chief Records Officer)
Mr P.R. Matthew BA (Legal Adviser & Solicitor (designate))
Colonel E.A. Griffin CMG OBE ED
Mr R.J. Dalley
Extent1 file
CategoryMeeting Notes
ArchNotePlease note that the downloadable document is the final version of the Committee Meeting minutes. Additional information, including the verbatim minutes and subsidiary reports, may be available in the physical file.
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