
Unique IDCWGC/2/2/1/402
File NumberCM 3/1/70
TitleCOMMISSION MEETING NO.402 - April 1957


DescriptionMinutes of the 402nd Meeting of the Commission
Content NoteTopics covered:

Chairman welcomes Mr Moodie, Major Bennett and Brigadier Sultan Mohammed, who were attending a Commission Meeting for the first time.

Minutes of the 401st Meeting:
Approval of the minutes from the 401st meeting

Visit of H.R.H. The Duke of Gloucester to War Cemeteries in Belgium, Holland and Germany:
Announcement regarding the planned visit of HRH The Duke of Gloucester, President of the Commission, accompanied by General Sir John Crocker and the W.J. Chalmers, to First and Second World War cemeteries around Ypres, those of the 1944-1945 campaign in the Netherlands, and Reichswald Forest War Cemetery;

Departure of the High Commissioner for Canada:
Announcement concerning the departure of Mr Norman Robertson, who had served as High Commissioner for Canada in London to take up a new appointment as Canadian Ambassador in Washington

Death of Monsieur Edouard Herriot:
The death of Monsieur le President Edouard Harriot, CBE, honorary member of the Commonwealth-French Joint Committee, was reported;

Presentation of M.B.E. to Mr. E. H. Bicknell
report of the presentation of the M.B.E. to Mr Bicknell, Senior Clerk North-West European Region by Sir George Labouchere, British Ambassador in Brussels.

Report of the 446th Meeting of the Finance Committee:
adoption of report following discussions on estimated costs associated with the repair of Pozieres British Cemetery and Memorial under the contract with Enterprise Reynes; expenditure relating to trials in the use of silicone water repellents and stone preservatives; excess expenditure for the supply, delivery and erection of Crosses of Sacrifice at Alamein, Tobruk, Benghazi and Acroma; costs for construction at Udine War Cemetery and the provision of a small entrance feature at Ranville Cemetery;

Bidadari Christian Cemetery, Singapore:
Approved transfer of war graves from Bidadari Christian Cemetery to Kranji War Cemetery owing to the likely closure of the civilian cemetery in the future;

Maintenance of the Naval Memorial, Portsmouth:
Agreement between the Commission and Corporation of the City of Portsmouth for the maintenance of the gardens and surrounds of the Portsmouth Naval Memorial;

Regional and Agency Organisation:
paper on the geographical responsibilities of the various Regions and Agencies as of 1st April 1957, with note that only Russia and the High Commission Territories would still be administered directly from Head Office

Maintenance of War Graves in the United Kingdom: 58th Quarterly Report to 31st March 1957:
presentation of report

Graves of the South African War:
note on the maintenance of graves of the South African War, which was being undertaken by a central Board of Control established by the Union of South Africa Government and United Kingdom Government;

State Visit of H.M. The Queen to France:
note that the Commission’s Regional Director, Brigadier Vale, had been invited by the French authorities to many of the official functions during the visit, and had been presented to Her Majesty at the reception at the Hotel de Ville at Lille.

Visit of the Secretary to the Anzac Agency Area and New Zealand:
report on the Secretary’s visit and attempts to establish and renew contacts, and discuss current matters with officials of the Anzac Agency and Department of Internal Affairs in New Zealand, including comments on visits to cemeteries at Labuan, Lae and Bomana, with specific reference to the work of Mr R. P. J. Brodie, Director and Local Manager of Harrisons and Crosfields, at Labuan; comments regarding the difficulties in the upkeep of war graves in Australia, including the graves of ex-servicemen which was done on behalf of the Australian Government; comments regarding the maintenance of Springvale War Cemetery and Sydney War Cemetery, and the notable differences in the conditions of Brisbane (Lutwyche) Cemetery and Wagga Wagga War Cemetery; note for the need for professional direction on the maintenance of structures in the region and belief that this need was being met by the appointment of a qualified architect on the Anzac Agency staff to assess the required maintenance work in Australian cemeteries; discussion between the Commission and New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs to improve the maintenance of war graves; update on the construction of the New Zealand Naval Memorial, Devonport, Auckland, and three other memorials at Auckland, Christchurch and Dunedin;

Announcement by the Vice-Chairman that the next meeting would this would be his last before handing over to General Sir John Crocker.


Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Longmore GCB, DSO (Vice-Chairman of the Commission)
Campbell Moodie (Representing the High Commissioner for Canada)
Sir Edwin McCarthy CBE (Representing the High Commissioner for Australia)
Major I. B. Bennett (Representing the High Commissioner for New Zealand)
F. W. Thomashoff (Representing the High Commissioner for South Africa)
Lt. Col. M. H. Singh (Representing the High Commissioner for India)
Brigadier Sultan Mohammed (Representing the High Commissioner for Pakistan)
S. H. Field (Representing the Secretary of State for the Colonies)
A. J. Isaac (Representing the Minister of Works)
Rt. Hon. Sir Patrick Spens KBE, GC, MP
General Sir John Crocker GCB, KBE, DSO, MC
Sir Arthur Rucker KCMG, CB, CBE
Admiral Sir John Edelsten GCB, GCVO, CBE


W. J. Chalmers CBE


Sir William Halcrow M. Inst. CE (Consulting Engineer)
Sir Edward Maufe RA, FRIBA (Chief Architect and Artistic Adviser)

Also in attendance:
W. Wynne Mason MC (Assistant Secretary (External Relations))
A. K. Pallot (Assistant Secretary (Finance and Establishments))
Major-General J. F. D. Steedman CBE, MC (Director of Works)
Colonel E. A. Griffin OBE, ED (Regional Director, United Kingdom Region)
R. I. Mill
Extent1 file
CategoryMeeting Notes
ArchNotePlease note that the downloadable document is the final version of the Committee Meeting minutes. Additional information, including the verbatim minutes and subsidiary reports, may be available in the physical file.
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