Content Note | Topics discussed:
Approval and signature of the 387th Commission meeting minutes a) Visit to Anzac Agency by the Vice-Chairman b) Letter to Major-General Burns from the Vice-Chairman regarding the removal of mines from Jerusalem War Cemetery c) Correspondence in the press about the title of the ‘Runnymede Memorial’.
Membership of the Commission Mentions that Mr Patrick Buchan-Hepburn had succeeded Mr Nigel Birch as Minister of Works and had thus become a member of the Commission.
Chairman of the Anzac Agency Mentions that in the recent reconstitution of the Australian Government Mr. A. Fairhall had succeeded Mr. W. Kent Hughes as Minister of the Interior and had consequently become Chairman of the Commission's Anzac Agency.
New Year Honours K.C.M.G. awarded to Mr Clifton Webb, High Commissioner for New Zealand. Knighthood given to the Secretary of the Commission Frank Higginson, Esq. C.B., C.B.E. G.B.E. awarded to Sir Christopher Warner, lately H.M. Ambassador in Brussels and Honorary Member of the Commonwealth-Belgian Joint Committee. Appointment of Sir Joan Kotelawala, Prime Minister of Ceylon and Chairman of the Ceylon Agency, as a Companion of Honour. C.V.O. awarded to Louis de Soissons, R.A., Principal Architect for Italy and Greece, and to William Macmillan. B.E.M. awarded to Mr W.A.J. Dunn, Travelling Superintendent Gardener, North-West European District.
Report of the 432nd Finance Committee Meeting Discussion regarding the committee of experts set up to research the best solutions for resolving issues of fabric maintenance, particularly Portland stone headstones; recommendation for Botticino stone to be used in replacing headstones in Greece and Crete; expenditure for Kranji Memorial panels.
Report of the 28th Annual Meeting of the South African Agency Refers to tributes at the meeting to the late Chairman, Mr A.A. Eales, by the new Chairman Mr K. Rood, Director of Public Works and mentions that arrangements were now in motion for a special memorial to non-Europeans who had no known Grave to be erected in PalmietkuiI Native Military Cemetery. Recommendation by Colonel F.R. Durham, former Director of Works, that wherever it was the normal practice in civil cemeteries to surround single Graves with kerbs, that practice should be followed in the case of war graves.
Membership of the Commonwealth-Netherlands Joint Committee Refers to the retirement of Commonwealth Honorary Member His Excellency Mr A.T. Stirling, C.B.E., the appointment of Commonwealth Honorary Member Her Excellency Begum Liaquat Ali Khan, as well as the appointment of Commonwealth Official Member Sir Arthur Nevil Rucker, K.C.M.G., C.B. , C.B.E.
Superannuation Scheme Refers to the appointment of new Trustees: Sir Arthur Nevil Rucker, K.C.M.G., C.B., C.B.E.; William John Chalmers Esq., C.B.E., B.L.
Examination of sketch design by P.E. Cornu, A.R.I.B.A., for St. Pol Allied Military Cemetery, France.
53rd Quarterly Report to 31 December 1955 for the maintenance of war graves in the U.K. Mentions that 93 Crosses of Sacrifice had been erected and the last one would be at Torpoint. Also, a brief account of a visit to Tower Hill Memorial by Sir Patrick Spens, K.C.B., Q.C. M.P.
General notes Refers to reports of Remembrance Day ceremonies, including at Yokohama War Cemetery in Japan. Also mentions a ceremony at Ramleh War Cemetery, Israel.
Commonwealth-German War Graves Agreement Mentions that the text of the Commonwealth-German War Graves Agreement had now been agreed by all the Commonwealth Governments and by the French Government.
Unveiling of Groesbeek Memorial Mentions that H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester had consented to unveil the Groesbeek Memorial on 2 June 1956.
Unveiling of the East Africa Memorial and subsequent tour by General Sir Alan Cunningham Refers to arrangements for the unveiling of the East Africa Memorial by General Sir Alan Cunningham.
Visit by Sir Edward Maufe to Italy Brief account of visit by Sir Edward Maufe, R.A., Chief Architect and Artistic Adviser, and his wife to Italy. Sir Edward had visited 10 cemeteries: Rome, both of those at Anzio, Cassino, Caserta, Naples, Salerno, Minturno, Orvieto and Bolsena. He was accompanied briefly by Mr Stewart, the District Architect, and Mr Gwyther, the District Works Officer.
36th Annual Report Mentions that the 36th Annual Report of the Commission had been published on 30 December 1955.
Retirement of Mr J C Aird Refers to the retirement of Mr J.C. Aird, who had been the Consul in Oslo for the past ten years, had taken a very great interest in the graves in his district of Southern Norway.
Date of next meeting scheduled for Thursday 16 February 1956 at 11:00am.
ATTENDEES: General Sir John Crocker, G.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C. (In the Chair) Frederic Hudd, Esq., C.B.E. (Representing the High Commissioner for Canada) J.M. Henderson, Esq. (Representing the High Commissioner for Australia) J.G. Hale, Esq. (Representing the High Commissioner for New Zealand) R.C. Crowder, Esq. (Representing the High Commissioner for South Africa) T.K. Nandi, Esq. (Representing the High Commissioner for India) Captain M. Jan (Representing the High Commissioner for Pakistan) W.D. Sweaney, Esq. (Representing the Secretary of State for the Colonies) A.J. Isaac, Esq. (Representing the Minister of Works) The Rt. Hon. Sir Patrick Spens, K.C.B., Q.C., M.P. Sir Arthur N. Rucker, K.C.M.G., C.B., C.B.E.
SECRETARY: F. Higginson, Esq., C.B., C.M.G.
ADVISERS: Sir Edward Maufe, Esq., R.A. (Chief Architect and Artistic Adviser)
Also in attendance: F.C. Sillar, Esq., C.B.E. (Principal Assistant Secretary) Major-General J.F.D. Steedman, C.B.E., M.C (Director of Works) H.L. Simmons, Esq. LL. B (Legal Adviser) Lieutenant Commander A.K. Pallot, R.N. (retired) (Chief Assistant Establishment Officer) O.D. Holt, Esq., (Principal, Secretarial Branch) Colonel E.A. Griffin, O.B.E., E.D. (Chief Administrative Officer, United Kingdom District) |