Content Note | Topics discussed:
Apologies for absence: Sir Herbert Ellissen Sir William Halcrow Mr Edward Maufe
Approval and signing of the 342nd Commission meeting minutes A) War Graves Agreements B) Memorial to the Missing Merchant Navy 1939-1945 C) Criticisms received regarding Australian headstones in Harefield (St. Mary) Churchyard, Middlesex D) Visit by the Chairman to Northwich Cemetery, Cheshire.
Vice-Chairman's visit to cemeteries in and around Edinburgh Brief report of visit by the Vice-Chairman Admiral Sir Martin Dunbar, V.C., K.C.B., to cemeteries in and near Edinburgh on 25 November 1951, including Dunfermline; Douglas Bank; Dalmeny, South Queensferry, and Corstorphine Hill, Edinburgh.
Military passes of for His Majesty King George V Mention of the military passes used by King George V during his pilgrimage in 1922 which were given to the Commission by Lord Wigram.
Closure of Western Mediterranean District Mention of the closure of the Commission’s Western Mediterranean District which would be absorbed into Eastern District, with Tunisian Area becoming part of Southern European District.
St. Valery-en-Caux War Cemetery, France Discussions regarding layout and maintenance of St. Valery-en-Caux War Cemetery as agreed with the Municipality and Ministry in Paris.
Cemeteries near the Franco-Belgian border Mention of a letter received from a friend of Sir Robert Gordon-Finlayson praising the Commission’s care of cemeteries on the Franco-Belgian border.
Sir Arthur Longmore’s tour of cemeteries in Malta, Sicily and Italy
Mention that photographs of Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Longmore’s tour of cemeteries in Malta, Sicily and Italy were passed around the meeting.
Graves of the Korean War Agreement to set up a Committee to consider and recommend the Commission’s policy with regards to the graves of the Korean War.
Examination of sketch design for Hottot War Cemetery, Belgium.
Examination of sketch design for Ancona War Cemetery, Italy.
General notes Visit by Mr Casey, Australian Minister of State for External Affairs to Rome War Cemetery in November 1951 Visit by His Excellency the President of the Turkish Republic to Gallipoli Policy proposed for graves in Java and Sumatra.
Report of the 387th Finance Committee meeting and annual estimates for 1952-1953 Item 2 dealt with the construction of Rabaul War Cemetery, Port Moresby, New Guinea Item 3 dealt with construction of headstone foundations in Tunisia Item 9 dealt with the provision of wooden seats in cemeteries Item 16 referred to Balance Sheet of the Imperial War Graves Endowment Fund
Also refers to annual estimates for 1952-1953.
Graves of the South African (Boer) War Discussion regarding responsibility for the graves of the South African (Boer) War.
Date of next meeting scheduled for Thursday 17 January 1952 and for the Commission’s film to be shown afterwards.
ATTENDEES: Admiral Sir Martin Dunbar-Smith, V.C., K.C.B. (Vice-Chairman in the Chair) J.P. Sigvaldason, Esq., C.B.E. (Representing the High Commissioner for Canada) W.H. Bunning, Esq. (Representing the High Commissioner for Australia) Major-General W.E. Stevens, C.B., C.B.E. (Representing the High Commissioner for New Zealand) H.J. Neethling, Esq. (Representing the High Commissioner for South Africa) W.B. England, Esq., M.B.E. (Representing the High Commissioner for India) Captain J.T. Chopping (Representing the High Commissioner for Pakistan) Trafford Smith, Esq. (Representing the Secretary of State for the Colonies) A.B. Moore, Esq. (Representing the Minister of Works) General Sir Robert Gordon-Finlayson, K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O. Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Longmore, G.C.B., D.S.O. Colonel The Rt. Hon. The Lord Wigram, G.C.B., G.C.V.O., C.S.I. The Rt. Hon. Sir Richard Hopkins, G.C.B. Sir Patrick Spens, K.B.E., K.C., M.P. General Sir John Crocker, G.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C.
SECRETARY: F. Higginson, Esq., C.M.G.
Also in attendance: F.C. Sillar, Esq., C.B.E. (Principal Assistant Secretary) W.J. Chalmers, Esq. (Assistant Secretary) Major-General J.F.D. Steedman, C.B.E., M.C. (Principal Deputy Director of Works) H.L. Simmons, Esq. (Legal Adviser) C.R. Kirton, Esq., M.B.E. (Chief Accountant) O.D. Holt, Esq. (Principal, Secretarial Branch) A.S. Laing, Esq. (Private Secretary to the Secretary) W.K.K. Kinnear, Esq., M.B.E. (Chief Administrative Officer, United Kingdom District) |