
Unique IDCWGC/2/2/1/266
File NumberWG 1831/208
TitleCOMMISSION MEETING NO.266 - February 1945


DescriptionMinutes of the 266th Meeting of the Commission
Content NoteTopics covered:

Circulation, approval, and signing of the Minutes of the 265th Meeting of the Commission.

Apologies for absence received from Sir John Kennedy and Colonel Cole.

Mention that Colonel Higginson had been admitted to hospital shortly after his return from the Middle East.

Welcome to Sir David Meek, who stood in for Sir Samuel Runganadhan at the Meeting.

Review Of Recent Events
Announcement of death of the late Town Clerk of Bristol Mr Josish Green, who had died on 17 January and taken great interest in the Commission’s work, with his office providing valuable assistance in tracing relatives of a number of civilians killed by enemy action.
Update on 25th Annual Report: the report was now with the printers with hope that proofs would be circulated before the end of February.
A party of Commission staff under Wing Commander Greensill left for France on 13 January and had arrived safely in Arras. Mentions difficulty obtaining rations for families of Commission staff in France.
Report from Lieut.-Colonel Meznies regarding cemeteries in Greece, including some which had suffered damage.
The Portuguese authorities had generously given, free of cost in perpetuity, the sites of the six British graves at Loriga and the two at Sagres.
The Women's Auxiliary of the Port Elizabeth Branch of the South African Legion, British Empire Service League, had agreed to place fresh flowers once ?month on military .graves in the South End Cemetery there.
A report had been received that the Tablet to the Million Dead in the Cathedral at Boulogne had been removed.
Reading of extract of letter from the Rector of Ilmington, Warwickshire, in reply to a request to verify details of an airman buried in Ilmington Church Cemetery.

Construction Of Keren War Cemetery
Discussion regarding acceptance of design of Keren War Cemetery, with suggestion that a type of headstone similar to those erected in Macedonia may be used, as well as confirmed approval of the design by the Commission.
Report Of The 310th Meeting Of The Finance Committee
Adoption of the Finance Committee’s Report, with reference to Item 11 which contained the Committee’s recommendations regarding the design of Keren Cemetery, as well as the appointment of Major-General J.H. Roberts, D.S.O., M.C. as the new Chief Administrative Officer, France and Belgium.
Item 10 recommended the grant of a special personal allowance to Mr Millington in Gallipoli.
Also refers to Items 2-6, which all dealt with the purchase or repair of motor transport.

Visit Of General Sir Robert Gordon-Finlayson And Colonel Higginson To The Middle East
Report of tour undertaken by General Sir Robert Gordon-Finlayson and Colonel Higginson covering Tripoli, Cairo, El Alamein, Sollum, Tobruk, Derna, and Benghazi.
Comments on meetings with important diplomatic staff, the selection of stone known as Attica from near Suez, the work of the Army in North Africa, the difficulties of water supplies in desert cemeteries, the acquisition of land in Egypt, the problems of salt in soil (referring to the worst effects in Cairo War Memorial Cemetery), and recent bad weather affecting the tour.
Further discussion about flagstaffs in cemeteries.

Anglo-Egyptian War Cemeteries Committee
1. That His Excellency El Ferik Ibrahim Atallah Pasha, Chef de l’Etat-Major de l’Armee Egyptienne be appointed an Honorary Member.
2. That Their Excellencies Mohamed Kamel Nabih Pasha (Sous-Secretaire d'Etat au Ministere des Travaux Publics) and Hassan Mokhtar Rasmy Bey (Sous-Secretaire d'Etat au Ministere des Finances), be appointed Official Members.
3. The resolution have effect from 1 February 1945.

Dominion And Colonial Personnel Serving In United Kingdom Units
Discussion giving updates on the subject which had been discussed at several previous meetings and the proposal put forward in the draft resolution was based on the principle of local option.
Refers to letter from a branch of the Women’s Voluntary Services (W.V.S.) at Hadlow expressing disappointment that the crosses erected by the Commission over two Newfoundland graves in the local cemetery gave no indication of their nationality.
Gives brief summary of views of governments of Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.
Resolution that:
1. Recognise the principle of identification with the home country of the casualty who served in a unit other than their home country, in the layout of the headstone.
2. Recognition to take the form of the word “of” followed by the name or the country, the phrase to be enclosed in brackets and to be engraved immediately after the casualty’s name.
3. Each interest Government represented on the Commission be invited to determine whether, in respect of its nationals, effect shall be given to the resolution.

District Office, Northern District
Resolution that authority be given to Captain Samuel Burkey, Inspector, Northern District, to sign a tenancy agreement on the Commission’s behalf for the occupation of No. 12a Hargreaves Buildings, 5 Chapel Street, Liverpool, intended for use as the Commission’s District Offices.

Date Of Next Meeting
The next meeting would be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday 21 March 1945.

Major-General Sir Fabian Ware, K.C.V.O., K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G., LL.D. (Vice-Chairman, in the Chair)
Colonel E.H. Jones, D.C.M., E.D. (Representing the High Commissioner for Canada)
C. Knowles, Esq., C.B.E. (Representing the High Commissioner for New Zealand)
I.T. Meyer, Esq. (Representing the High Commissioner for South Africa)
D. James Davies, Esq., C.B.E. (Representing the Government of Newfoundland)
Sir David Meek, C.I.E., O.B.E. (Representing the High Commissioner for India)
J.J. Lawson, Esq., M.P.
General Sir Robert Gordon-Finlayson, K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.
Admiral Sir Martin Dunbar-Nasmith, V.C., K.C.B.
Colonel Sir John Shute, C.M.G., D.S.O., T.D., J,P., D.L., M.P.
Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Longmore, G.C.B., D.S.O., D.L.

There were also present:
Lieut.-Colonel Sir Frederic Kenyon, G.B.E., K.C.B.
Brigadier J.K. McNair, C.B.E. (Director of Graves Registration and Enquiries, War Office)
Lieut-Colonel Sir Herbert Ellissen, C.B.E. (Adviser on Post-War Organisation and Reconstruction)
Lieut.-Colonel H.F. Chettle, C.M.G., O.B.E. (Director of Records)
F.C. Sillar, Esq,. (Assistant Secretary, Finance)
Major A. Macfarlane, M.C. (Deputy Director of Works)
Lieutenant O.D. Holt
Date1/2/1945 - 1/5/1945
Extent1 file
CategoryMeeting Notes
ArchNotePlease note that the downloadable document is the final version of the Committee Meeting minutes. Additional information, including the verbatim minutes and subsidiary reports, may be available in the physical file.

Show related Persons records.

DS/UK/14Higginson; Sir; Frank (1890-1958); architect; Secretary to the Imperial War Graves Commission; Director of Works; Chief Admin Officer (Deputy Controller, Central European District)1890-1958
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