Content Note | Topics covered:
Approval of the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Refers to a report received from Germany of various ceremonies which took place on Memorial Day (13 March), including Ohlsdorf and Stahnsdorf, and also mentions an official German ceremony at Potter’s Bar where Major Chettle represented the Commission.
Mentions the only ceremony that had taken place in France since the last Meeting was at St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen.
Update on the number of visitors signing the Visitors’ Books at cemeteries and memorials during February which was 969. The corresponding figure for the previous year was 849.
Postponement of the next Commission meeting to 18 May due to the Meeting of the Anglo-German-French Committee taking place on 11 May.
Resolutions referring to the appointments of Colonel Higginson and Brigadier Prower. Mentions that the appointment of a Chief Administrative Officer in Eastern District was held by a New Zealander and the Chief Administrative Officer in France had hitherto been held by a Canadian.
Report Of The 272nd Meeting Of The Finance Committee Resolution for the adoption of the Report of the Finance Committee.
Report Of The 9th Meeting Of The Anglo-Belgian Mixed Committee Brief summary of proceedings and attendees, with resolution for the adoption of the Report of the Mixed Committee.
Report Of The 1st Meeting Of The Anglo-Egyptian War Cemeteries Committee Resolution for the adoption of the Report of the Anglo-Egyptian War Cemeteries Committee.
Anglo-Greek Mixed Committee – Appointment Of New Member Resolution for the appointment of Mr E.C. Hole as an Official Member of the Anglo-Greek Mixed Committee.
Maintenance Of War Graves At Newcastle-On-Tyne Resolution for the signing of a new agreement with the Corporation of Newcastle-on-Tyne for the maintenance of war graves in the Corporation’s cemeteries.
Assignment Of Insurance Policy To Mr H. Butler Resolution for the assignment of the Commission’s insurance policy taken out under the Superannuation Scheme to Mr Henry Butler.
Discovery Of Graves In France and Belgium Update, noting a diminution in the number of bodies found during recent months. Mentions since the end of the First World War, nearly 50,000 bodies had been found.
Attendees: Major-General Sir Fabian Ware, K.C.V.O.,K.B.E.,C.B.,C.M.G.,LL.D. (Vice-Chairman, in the Chair) Lieut.-Colonel A.F. Rawson Lumby, C.I.E., O.B.E. (Representing the Secretary of State for India) Lieut.-Colonel G.P. Vanier, D.S.O. ,M.C. (Representing the High Commissioner for Canada) V.C. Duffy, Esq., M.V.O. (Representing the High Commissioner for Australia) W.J. Jordan, Esq. (High Commissioner for New Zealand) E.K. Scallan, Esq. (Representing the High Commissioner for South Africa) The Hon. Sir Edgar Bowring, K.C.M.G. (Representing the Government of Newfoundland) Lieut.-General Sir George Macdonogh, G.B.E., K.C.B., K.C.M.G.
There were also present: Major H.F. Chettle, C.M.G., O.B.E. (Director of Records) F.C. Sillar, Esq. |