Content Note | Topics discussed:
Reports received on numerous Armistice Day ceremonies in France, Belgium, Germany, Palestine, Egypt, Greece and the Balkans.
Report presented on the Anglo-German-French Agreement following administrative difficulties affecting the Germans. Agreement now obtained and hopefully signed in due course. It would include mutual recognition of the Commission and the German Service as being the sole authorities for grave care. Agreement covers maintenance, materials and inspections of graves and a new committee would be set up. French representation included. Record of appreciation to Sir Fabian for the work he has done to facilitate this.
Endowment Fund Valuation of the Endowment Fund reported on.
14th Anglo-French Mixed Committee Meeting Recent meeting successfully took place in London. Noted the large number of visitors to the British Cemeteries on July 14th, All Saints’ Day and 11th November, reflecting good relations between Commission staff and locals. Copies of General de Castelneu’s speech to be circulated. Colonel Blin appointed to the Committee.
Anglo-German-French Committee Sir Eric Phipps, Lord Trenchard, Sir Fabian Ware, Dr Gie and the Chairman himself proposed as British members. German members to come from the appropriate bodies, and Major Chettle proposed as Secretary-General.
Newfoundland Park, Beaumont Hamel The Newfoundland Government had recently requested the Commission to facilitate the rehabilitation of the trenches in the Newfoundland Park in Beaumont Hamel.
Discovery And Reburial Of Bodies In France And Belgium The number of bodies discovered was down on previous years but no conclusions could be made as the number varies from month to month.
Attendees: Lieut.-General Sir George Macdonogh, G.B.E., K.C.B., K.C.M.G. (in the Chair) F.T. Sprange, Esq. (Representing the High Commissioner for Australia) S.R. Skinner, Esq. (Representing the High Commissioner for New Zealand) G.W. Klerk, Esq. (Representing the High Commissioner for South Africa) Admiral Sir Morgan Singer, K.C.B., K.C.V.O. J.J. Lawson Esq., M.P.
There were also present: Lieut.-Colonel C.P. Oswald, C.M.G., O.B.E. (Assistant Secretary, Finance) Lieut.-Colonel H.F. Robinson, C.M.G. (Director of Works) Major H.F. Chettle, C.M.G., O.B.E., (Director of Records) F.C. Sillar, Esq. F. Tyrell, Esq. B.S. Conyngham Greene, Esq. O.D. Holt, Esq. |