Content Note | Topics discussed:
Various ceremonies reported on, also the death of Commission employee, Captain Eagle. Virulent attack by the Sunday Express on the Belgian authorities surrounding the donation of money given to by the Surrey British Legion for the nightly ‘Last Post’ sounding. This caused indignation among the Legion and Commission. 61st Divisional memorial at Laventie unveiled. Report on the Australian PM’s visit to Europe and Near East.
Further reports on Vice-Chairman’s address to the Women’s Section of the RBL and of Jubilee Celebrations in France and Belgium which had involved staff from across France and had Buckingham Palace’s approval. Letter of thanks for the Commission’s work received from the Old Contemptibles’ Association.
Distribution of ‘Tablets to the Million Dead’ to the Dominions discussed. Tablets in Latin to be sent to Belgium due to Flemish/French linguistic issue in the country. Report of visit to the Battlefields by the Bishop of Fulham, and report of a wreath laid in Terlincthun on the anniversary of the King’s visit.
Report Of The 241st Meeting Of The Finance Committee Refers to the erection of wooden graves on German graves which had been explained at the previous meeting. Also refers to the endowment of the maintenance of the Ulster Memorial at Thiepval to be made by the Ulster Government. It was hoped that similar arrangements might be made for other Dominions, with Australia already doing so. Mention that the design of the memorial screen wall at Basra Cemetery was approved by Sir Frederic Kenyon.
Marking Of Graves In The Irish Free State The Irish Free State had almost completed the work of marking British graves in that country. Issue of the presence of regimental badges was still causing a delay in Co. Clare and Co. Sligo. Matter to be discussed further in due course.
Cemetery And Memorial Registers Mentions that since the last meeting, one register part containing particulars of Sanctuary Wood Cemetery had been published.
Discovery And Reburial Of Bodies In France and Belgium Mentions decline in the number of bodies which had been found still continued. 103 bodies were found during April 1935.
Colonel Robinson’s Report A report by Colonel Robinson on his visit to the East was presented. Of note were comments on the state of repair of cemeteries he visited in Turkey, Iraq, Greece and Italy. His chief impression was of an extraordinary improvement in the appearance of the cemeteries since his last visit in 1930.
Attendees: Major-General Sir Fabian Ware, K.C.V.O., K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G. (Vice-Chairman, in the Chair) Colonel G.L. Pepys, C.B., D.S.O. (Representing the Secretary of State for India) Lieut.-Colonel G.P. Vanier, D.S.O., M.C. - Representing the High Commissioner for Canada V.C. Duffy, Esq., Representing the High Commissioner for Australia G.W. Klerck, Esq., Representing the High Commissioner for South Africa The Hon. Sir Edgar Bowring, K.C.M.G, Representing the Government of Newfoundland Admiral Sir Morgan Singer, K.C.B., K.C.V.O. The Right Hon. Lord Stanley, M.C., M.P. J. J. Lawson, Esq., M.P. W.P. Spens, Esq., O.B.E., K.C., M.P.
Also present: Colonel Sir George W. Badgerow, C.M.G., C.V.O., M.D., F.R.C.S. (Canada) Lieut.-Colonel C.P. Oswald, O.B.E. (Assistant Secretary, Finance) Lieut.-Colonel H.F. Robinson, C.M.G. (Director of Works) Major H.F. Chettle, C.M.G., O.B.E., (Director of Records) Mr F.C. Sillar Mr F. Tyrell Mr B.S. Conyngham Greene |