Content Note | Topics discussed:
An update on Sir Fabian Ware’s health was given. Death of Colonel Messer, who had worked for the Commission and before that in the original Red Cross units, was reported and tributes made and recorded.
No update on the proposed Hampshire Regiment memorial in Jerusalem Cemetery. Official visit by representatives of Australian States to Villers-Bretonneux reported. Following a reconsideration, a further 25 maintenance staff members had joined the Superannuation Scheme. Reluctance to join due to inadequate payments if retirement due to ill health.
Mr Sillar reported on visit to Germany to check the accounts at the local office. Many locals visited the cemetery in Cologne, but a number thought that although the Commission paid for the upkeep, that the money came from the war reparations, so they believed Germany was paying.
Scheme established for children of Commission gardeners to obtain employment in the UK in hotels, clubs etc. Concerns about the suitability of such work, and the language ability of the children.
The Royal Naval Division had organised a pilgrimage to Gallipoli for between 500 and 600 people.
Offer Of Training To Sons Of Commission’s Staff Refers to a draft document covering a training scheme for sons of Commission’s gardening staff which was agreed. Decision that there were to be for no more than six with a maximum wage of 15/- per week.
Graves In South Russia Mentions that until a British Consul was appointed little action could be taken to monitor these graves. Following a request from a relative, the Commission had contacted the Foreign Office. Discussion covered problems of visiting cemeteries; requirement not just to maintain but also record graves; noted that a previous officer who visited North Russia suffered a complete breakdown due to problems encountered; Lack of consular offices throughout the country. Meeting agreed to await further opinion from the ambassador in Moscow.
British Military Cemeteries In Syria Mentions that following the grant of land in Aleppo, the acquisition of British graves in Syria was now complete.
Reported that the architect of the Vis-en-Artois Memorial, Mr John Reginald Truelove, was now to design Stoke Newington Town Hall.
Attendees: Lieut.-General Sir George MacDonogh, G.B.E., K.C.B., K.C.M.G. (In the Chair) Colonel G.L. Pepys (Representing the Secretary of State for India) E. MacLeod, Esq. (Representing the High Commissioner for Canada) Major L.E. Beavis, D.S.O. (Representing the High Commissioner for Australia) V.G. Housden, Esq. (Representing the High Commissioner for New Zealand) The Hon. Sir Edgar Bowring (High Commissioner for Newfoundland) Admiral Sir Morgan Singer, K.C.B., K.C.V.O. The Right Hon. Lord Stanley, M.C., M.P. W.P. Spens, Esq., O.B.E., K.C., M.P.
There were also present: Lieut.-Colonel C. P. Oswald, O.B.E. (Assistant Secretary, Finance) Lieut.-Colonel H. F. Robinson, C.M.G. (Director of Works) Major H. F. Chettle, C.M.G., O.B.E., (Director of Records) F.C. Sillar F. Tyrell B.S. Conyngham Greene